Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Before we send her to jail......... let's save her.....

On Friday, I am in my office seeing our daily 30-40 patients, Mostly Gynecology. Mostly enormous fibroids. (Yeah!!! myomectomies and hysterectomies).
This is not counting pregnant patients. Patients that are already in the hospital. Patients that  I am called to see on other services.
In come 2 staff, "Dr Consoli, this lady is trying to commit a "criminal" (their words, not mine) abortion. This is the second time she has come. She has a positive pregnancy test, she has some vaginal bleeding." "Should we prepare to call the police?"
I see the patient. She appears ill. She is diaphoretic (sweaty), tachycardic, tachypneic, she appears in pain.
I perform a pregnancy test myself. It is positive.
On ultrasound (thank you CMMB and Safe Motherhood for the ultrasound) she has as if from a textbook, a molar pregnancy. Anechoic spaces, snowstorm or granular appearance.
I explain that she has no fetus in her uterus.
She has a molar pregnancy which is dangerous.
They ask me if she already "got rid of the baby". I explain that this is a A molar pregnancy — also known as hydatidiform mole — is a noncancerous (benign) tumor that develops in the uterus. A molar pregnancy starts when an egg is fertilized, but instead of a normal, viable pregnancy resulting, the placenta develops into an abnormal mass of cysts.
There is no baby. There is no termination.

We took her immediately to the Operating "Theater" and evacuated her uterus.
She stabilized.
I finished seeing my patients.
The police are not bothered.
The next day, on Saturday, early in the morning I stopped by the hospital to check on her. She was doing very well.
She told the interpreter to tell me that even if this Doctor calls the dead, they will rise.
Thank you but....... no, in scientific terms we evacuated the molar pregnancy and all is well.
Only Jesus raises people from the dead.

Another interesting story is.....
Every night I gather with 20 of the neighborhood children from 3-17 years old. Mostly teenage girls. We say the rosary/pray then we talk.
We talk about different topics. Mostly about my life. They want to know every detail about me.
They can't believe I have no children and HORROR... I am not married!!! Hahahaha......
So one of the girl's mother, wanted me to help the baby. She was saying that the baby has anemia. So she was giving her watered down tomato paste!!!
I explained that the baby looks healthy. Has pink mucous membranes. Is well hydrated. Probably the watered down tomato paste is not needed.
She looked at me like I was an idiot. "Doctor, do you not see the tomato paste is the color and looks like blood. So we are helping her. ".
What a silly person I am. Of course this is the way to go.........
I now know how movies stars and celebrities feel.
Every where you go EVERYONE stares at you. Everyone wants to shake your hand.
Every one wants to know everything about you.
Every one stops doing what they are doing when you walk in a room.
What a privileged person I am.....
I am really enjoying it here in Ezo, South Sudan.
Saint Catherine of Siena (a Doctor of the Catholic Church) said, "If you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, you will set the world on fire!".
I really feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.
Praise be Jesus Christ now and Forever!!!