Sunday, May 31, 2015

You put hot water where??????

So recently I have noticed a lot of children screaming at the hospital. I was first thinking maybe because of IVs or Injections but no.......
Last week I heard the screaming and since it was a Sunday and I had just finished a delivery and did not have a million patients waiting to see me, I went to see what the commotion was about.
There is a mother squatting on the ground with her child trapped between her legs and abdomen she is pulling her child's butt cheeks apart. Then HORROR....
She pours steaming hot water in her child's anus!!!!!!!
I screamed, "What is she doing? Please someone come and help."
The nurse came running she states, " Doctor this is a tradition in our culture when children are sick we pour hot water into their anus to clean them."
I told her, "That is not a tradition, that is child abuse"
Then I asked the midwife from Uganda about this. She states she gave up 2 years ago (she has been here 3). She states it is a Zande/ Azande custom and she used to scream at them but they never stop.
Also she told me that some families when they are wiping their children's butt they notice the pink of the anal tissue and get afraid and pour steaming hot water in it then also!!!
Every time now I hear a child screaming I try to go and save their anus. I do not make it all the time, in time.

Also speaking about culture, today a minister from Uganda who is working here asked me where were my husband and children?
I answered, I do not have a husband and children but I am very close with my own siblings and parents and extended family.
He asked me, "What happened to you?"
I answered, " Everything, I became a physician, completed 2 residencies, a Fellowship, have traveled to every continent except Antarctica as a tourist or a Medical Volunteer or Medical Missionary. I have saved many people's lives through God grace, and helped thousands. (I was trying hyperbole to get my point across).
I expected him to say, " Wow!!! Good for you."
But NO.....
He says, "That is all very nice but you are forgetting the most important mission, to have a husband and children. I hope you do that soon, before it is too late."
I asked him, "What if my mission is to be single or become a Religious, a nun?"
He said, "Impossible God wants us to reproduce. "
I said, " OK, God bless,"
Him, I can not change but I can try to save the children's anal canals.
God save us. God graciously save us.

On the other hand, last week was Pentecost and I had the BEST Pentecost ever!!!!! In my life!!!!
The mass was............
wait for it.....
4 hours long!!!!!!!
I felt like I was at a party, singing and dancing for 4 hours.
Not ONE second was I bored.
If you ever think religion, mass, church, God is boring, come to Ezo, South Sudan.
You will never think that again.
I love church here!!!!!
God is good, all the time. All the time God is good!!!!!


  1. Keep up that anus saving, Rachael! God bless you!

  2. Love how you tell the stories with your sense of humor! Always love reading your posts!

  3. WOW ! It makes one wonder how these customs ever got started......
