Friday, December 18, 2015

One Month of War!!!!!!!!!

Can you imagine?
November 18th the war broke out in Ezo.
I was a blessed one evacuated by the United Nations.
My parish priest, my parish community, my beautiful pregnant women, my wonderful Gynecology patients, my local staff have been in the bush for one month now.
They are very low on food and water.
There have been 3 Maternal deaths in the past month since I left!!!!
Of course 3 babies as well.
The County Health Director sent me a copy of the "War" update report.
2 of the Maternal deaths were for simple malposition of the baby. (baby not in correct position)
Easily fixed with a less than 30 minute Cesarean Delivery.
1 death was for Post-partum hemorrhage.
Usually fixed with some basic steps and medicines.
If needed last resort (and I mean very last resort) to save the mother's life a hysterectomy.
So I feel like I want to know which one of my BEAUTIFUL pregnant patients that I love and make laugh attempting to speak Zande died?
Which 3?
I see all their smiling faces.
Please pray for them all.
I am here SAFE in Nzara with the Comboni nuns working at their hospital. So many interesting cases here.
A lot of severely dehydrated and malnourished women because no food or water in the bush and some manage to escape and make the 5 hour ride on the VERY DANGEROUS rode to Nzara from the various war zones.
Hoping that Ezo "cools" down so I can go back.
The United Nations does a "security" assessment.
I am so needed there.
Please pray for my parish priest Father Jacinto.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Thank you to all my friends, family, colleagues and prayer warriors!!!!!
I felt the prayers, thoughts and well wishes!!!
Since Tuesday afternoon, I have felt peace and security in my heart!!!!!
Today Thursday, I am in Juba the capitol city of South Sudan.
CMMB my organization is so wonderful!!!
They wanted me to have a week rest so I am at a hotel here in Juba and resting.
Of course there are some ground rules.
Do not leave the hotel alone.
Do not walk alone.
Of course I continue to pray for my beautiful Ezo and it's people. Who are STILL living in the bush in fear.
No food, no water.
Now it has been 2 full weeks since the conflict/insecurity/war started.
A person in Yambio told me yesterday that the pregnant women and children are sick. Living like that now for 2 weeks. Malaria, Typhoid, hunger, stress.
Many have left South Sudan to go to the Congo as refugees. Which is ironic considering we have a huge refugee camp in Ezo for the Congolese refugees. I am told it is completely empty.
Here I am enjoying running water, electricity, a soft bed and food.
I feel guilty. But I feel happy to have such things.
My mind is in conflict.
Should a missionary volunteer enjoy such luxuries?
But I am grateful to CMMB for being so caring to me.
When my week is up, I will maybe go to Nzara, with the Comboni Nuns who have a hospital there to work until Ezo is ready for me to come back.
Unfortunately in Nzara there is no Operating Room (Theater). But they DO have an ultrasound machine.
So this is sad to send patients to another referral hospital (Yambio) where they will NOT receive excellent surgical care.
But such is life in the Mission.
Like one of the CMMB staff said to me when I was saying to just send me back to Ezo.
"Dr Rachael, life has no spare. We need you, secure and alive."
Thank you Moses and thanks to all of YOU who pray for me and care about me.
God bless you abundantly!!!
Please pray I may go back to my Ezo to help all my beautiful pregnant mothers and lovely women!!!! They need me but I need them more.
They are my family and in my heart.
Please pray for those in Ezo.
Please pray for Peace in South Sudan.