Wednesday, July 29, 2015

112 years of Chrisitanity

I am so sorry I have not written sooner. The internet is inconsistent and I really dislike just sitting around waiting for the internet.
I have had an exciting past 2 weeks!! The Church is celebrating the anniversary of the Cross of Evangelization. Let me explain. One hundred and 12 years ago Christianity was brought to South Sudan by Italian missionaries. Later specifically Comboni Missionaries.
So the original Cross brought by the missionaries travels the country to each parish. So our Parish of Regina Mundi has the privilege to have the Cross now.
We have many outpost remote Chapels and our Parish Priest Fr. Jacinto wants everyone to have the opportunity to celebrate our evangelization and Christianity.
So I have been going to all these remote chapels in the "bush".
I have walked 12 miles to one chapel, 6 miles to other ones. Then I sleep there. With all the parishioners and the parish priest.
I almost started to cry last week because when I went to this one very remote jungle "bush" chapel. They prepared for me under a tarp an actual brand new bed with brand new sheets. So every one else slept on the ground on mats (as I had planned) but I was treated like a special person.
They were so happy to serve me and treat me so well. So much hospitality!!!!
I would hope if any of them ever came to the USA we would treat them as well as I have been treated.
We start on Friday afternoon walking to the place. Then on Friday evening we have talks on the Cross of Jesus, Faith, Forgiveness and Peace. Then we have supper all together. Then we have the Rosary, then we have singing for 3 hours. Clapping, dancing and moving to the songs. I am the only one sweating.
Then we have 2 preaching sessions. Then we have spontaneous prayers. We go to sleep at midnight. Then we wake up at 6 AM to prayers being sung by some women. Beautiful!!!!!
Then we have the most exciting and joyful Mass at 10:30 AM. Then after mass which ends at 3 PM, we eat together and then we walk home (the 6 or 12 miles).
These people are so humble, so holy, so hard working. The women work, hard manual labor for 14 hours every day then come to the church and pray and dance. Amazing!!!
I love these people. They are so kind to me. I do not deserve the treatment and kindness and hospitality and generosity.
The church here has been the best thing to happen to me!!! I love the parish priest Fr Jacinto, he always invites me to eat in his tent with him and the seminarians and Deacon. They serve him special food. So I get the best food!!! He always says to me, "Feel at home, you are welcome. This is your home."
He always gives me excellent advice. He is a true priest. He lives very humbly. He works 7 days a week and all day. When they call him at night to give Last Rites to the sick and dying he goes.
I am so grateful to God and to these beautiful people for all these wonderful experiences.
Praise be Jesus Christ!!! Now and forever.

1 Peter 4: 8-10
8Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. 9Be hospitable to one another without complaint. 10As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.…


  1. Beautiful. They know a wonderful, holy, servant of God when hey see one!

  2. Beautiful.. I am glad to hear you are fine and are being treated so kindly. I can't help but think their generosity and hospitality are a reflection of the great appreciation they have for all they see you do for their communities. May God bless you and keep you well.
