Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Deaf Deliveries....... and miracles.......

Can I just say I have a soft spot in my heart for Deaf mothers who are delivering?
Last night we had a young lady who is deaf deliver a beautiful baby.
She was so focused on directions. She was strong and brave.
She immediately put the baby to breast and is a champion breast-feeder!
She already knew me because she came to look at her baby prior to delivery via the ultrasound.
God is so good to me.
I have had the privilege of delivering various deaf women in my career.
Actually at the North Shore Community Health Center, we were located next door to Deaf Inc. and we had quite a few of their clients. The beautiful midwife I had the honor of working with in Salem, Mary MT Collari CNM had a great relationship with them and shared this relationship with me.
So this was all preparation for last night, knowing what works and does not work with the Deaf Mothers.
What a miracle!
A mother, a beautiful woman who is sharing her body, her nutrients, her blood and oxygen with this little creature of God, has these contractions or "rushes" as Ina May Gaskin calls them. She uses all her energy to literally push out a 10 cm head through a barely more than 10 cm passage.
There is so much waiting during delivery usually.
Wait to be in active labor.
Wait to dilate.
Wait to push.
Then all of a sudden, after sooooooo much waiting there is an absolute and complete miracle happening so very quickly before your eyes.
There is another precious, complete human being with the potential for so much.
This new child could be the next Peace maker of this earth, then next scientist, teacher, physician, engineer that could change the world.
Am I lucky or what?
I get to witness this all day long.
It NEVER get old. NEVER get boring. NEVER is the same.
Women are so amazing.
Our bodies are so amazing.
God is Good. All the time.
All the time God is Good.


  1. What a wonderful delivery and beautiful description. Thank you for sharing. God bless you and the work you do. Auntie

  2. You keep making me cry! Thanks for what you do and so generously sharing the gifts God gave you!
