Monday, May 11, 2015

Eating Bugs

So now we are in rainy season. More or less every day it rains. At night after the rain on certain days that the local people know, but can't explain to me how they know, millions of "white ants" or termites gather under the light.
So we turn off all lamps and leave only one outside light. The neighborhood children gather and eat the flying white ants/termites alive.
I can't bring myself to do this.
But they dry them, remove the wings and cook them with onion and salt. Then the Azande people eat them by the handfuls.
Everyone who knows me, knows that I will eat anything and try anything. But I was able to take only a few bugs.
I could not do the fistfuls. And I absolutely could not eat them alive. Like the neighborhood kids eating them by the handfuls.
I do not know, Is it the little legs on my tongue, or the crunch when I chew?  I do not know. I have eaten in my life,  many things.
In Belize when I lived there for 2 months in the rain-forest with the Mayan people, I ate rat and armadillo.
I have eaten cow and sheep testicles.
I have eaten pig eyes, cow tongue, intestines, stomach, brain. Scorpion.
Not to offend anyone I ate a few of the bugs.
The people here say they are "sweet" I do not taste sweet but like a grass taste. Now maybe they do not know what sweet is.
They have no dessert here.
Can you stand it?
No cake, no pudding, no ice cream. NO DESSERT.
No brownies, no chocolate.
All of you already know there is NO ICE here. So water is lukewarm. Soda is lukewarm.
 No cold Coke. They have Juba Coke (named after the capitol city) which tastes like watered down fountain soda.
Any way I eat well every day.
I pass on the BUGS!!!!!!!!!!


  1. wow- no dessert. Interesting, huh?

  2. Well, Well, Well....."sweet" white bugs for snacks and no I know how extemely remote this area is! Auntie
